The Cave Spring Community Coalition (CSCC) is on a mission to save the Cave Spring Elementary School buildings from being sold by the Floyd County Board of Education (BoE).
The Floyd County BoE will close the school at the completion of the 2021-2022 school year. They have indicated that the board will make a decision regarding disposition of the property – whether to do so via a bid process or auction.
The CSCC represents a group of Floyd County organizations and citizens who propose that the school should be repurposed for use as a comprehensive community center with a broad range of programs for youth (ages 5 to 18), health and wellness activities for seniors and the community-at-large as well as a space for arts organizations, a business incubator and community meetings. The building totals approximately 61,000 square feet and, via its segmented design, would accommodate a wide range of organizations and services for the community.
The original (Cave Spring School) was built in 1922 – almost one hundred years ago – by the Cave Spring Consolidated School Board with land donated by citizens of Cave Spring and the original structure built with funds provided by the citizens of Cave Spring. Eight years later, the property was given to the Floyd County BoE on April 24, 1930 via a deed which included a clause that required the Floyd County BoE to return the property “if it ever uses the property for other than school purposes”. The Floyd BoE accepted the property under these conditions.
The CSCC will present its proposal to the Floyd BoE on Monday, October 18.