A childhood tradition and a little bit of luck have all led Rome native Parker Branton to a moment he’ll never forget—appearing as a contestant on The Price Is Right.

Branton, a media professional and spokesperson, traveled to Los Angeles with his brother, Sam, to be part of the legendary game show, fulfilling a dream that their late grandmother always had for the family.

“Our grandmother Judy loved The Price Is Right—it was a big part of our lives growing up,” Branton said. “My siblings and I would sit and watch it with her in her Beech Creek home, and she always said that one day, we’d all go together. Unfortunately, she never got the chance, but
when Sam and I got the opportunity, we knew we had to do it in her honor.”

With a live audience of around 180 contestants, the odds of being selected were slim, but Branton was one of just nine people chosen to “come on down” and compete for prizes. Hearing my name called—it was unreal,” Branton said. “I completely blacked out, sprinted to
bidder’s row, high-fived everyone in sight, picked up another contestant, and hugged a complete stranger out of pure excitement.”

Since premiering in 1972, The Price Is Right has been a staple of American television and is considered the top game show in the United States, bringing excitement to generations of fans. Hosted by Drew Carey, the game show challenges contestants to test their pricing knowledge for a chance to win prizes ranging from dream vacations to brand-new cars.

Branton couldn’t reveal how he fared in the competition but emphasized how much the experience meant to him and his brother.
“It was more than just a game show for us—it was a way to celebrate our grandmother’s memory,” he said. “Walking into that studio, feeling the energy, seeing the wheel in person—it was surreal.”

Branton’s episode is set to air February 6th at 11AM ET on CBS. Be sure to tune in and see if Parker left Los Angeles with a new car.