December 11, 2024 thru January 1, 2025 the Calhoun Police Department will join the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety’s “DRIVE SOBER OR GET PULLED OVER” a National Mobilization to crackdown on alcohol and drug-impaired drivers.
As a community we should no longer tolerate anyone being injured and killed because people continue to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Every day you see and hear about such tragedies. It will take the collective outrage of all of us to reach drunk and drugged drivers. No one should look the other way when they see someone at risk. Such carelessness is always life threatening and never worth the risk.
Chief Pyle states, “The Calhoun Police Department will do our part. The public can support us by speaking up to friends, relatives and neighbors if they are driving under the influence. If reminding them they’re putting their lives and other people’s lives at deadly risk does not work, tell them that if an officer spots them during one of the systematic sobriety checkpoints, they will face being arrested and prosecution.”
The Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, in partnership with more than 350 law enforcement agencies across the state, is implementing “DRIVE SOBER OR GET PULLED OVER.” The goal of this campaign is to significantly decrease incidents of deaths and injury on Georgia’s roadways involving drunk and drugged drivers.
If the community works together to spread the word and change behaviors related to impaired driving, we can all help stem the rising tide of unnecessary crashes, injuries and deaths on Georgia’s roadways.