Atrium Health Floyd is celebrating breastfeeding moms, whose nurturing care helps little ones thrive. Moms, their children and supporters are invited to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week during a free event this Saturday at Atrium Health Floyd Medical Center.
The Big Latch On will take place in the Family Birth Center lobby on the third floor of the hospital from 10 a.m. to noon. The event will include door prizes and light refreshments.
World Breastfeeding Week, Aug. 1-7, promotes the health benefits of breastfeeding for both babies and moms and supports the rights of breastfeeding women.
“At Floyd we are dedicated to celebrating and supporting nursing mothers so that both mothers and babies thrive,” said Kellie Pearson, director of Women’s and Children’s Services at Atrium Health Floyd. “World Breastfeeding Week is the perfect time to celebrate and raise awareness of the health and wellbeing outcomes of breastfeeding and the importance of supporting mothers to breastfeed as long as they wish.”
Space will be provided for breastfeeding moms and those who are pumping. Information about breastfeeding will also available. Children, partners and members of moms’ support circle are welcome.