Rome City Commissioners on Monday approved reducing the millage rate by 2.3%.
Despite the lowered millage rate, citizens will still see an increase in their property taxes due to the increase in home values.
The combined millage rate for the city and Rome school system is 26.450. The move comes after the city school system lowered its millage rate to 16.85 mills from 27.05 mills
The city commission also reduced the city M&O rate from 8 mills to 7.8 mills and the capital tax from 1.826 mills to 1.8 mills.
With the decrease in millage rate, a person with a $150,000 home wil see a reduction of $37 on their tax bill.
However, most home values have drastically increased over the past year, which means home owners will still see a drasticic increase in their property taxes.