The Polk County Police Department said that on November 26 around 23:40, Patrol Officers with B Shift were conducting routine patrol in the area of Berry Road / Piedmont Highway. Officers attempted to conduct a traffic stop on a Chevrolet S-10 for traffic violations. The vehicle came to a stop. As our officers approached the vehicle, they identified the suspect as Michael Ganues (42 year old male).
Reports added that officers had knowledge that Mr. Ganues had active arrest warrants from a previous case they investigated, as officers were speaking with Ganues, he placed the vehicle in drive, and fled. In the process of fleeing, he almost struck an officer.
A vehicle pursuit ensued. As our officers were pursuing the vehicle, the suspect vehicle turned onto Prior Station Road. At this time, officers learned that the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) had a helicopter in the area. DNR’s Aviation Unit then responded, and followed the chase from the air. The vehicle pursuit ended at Lefevers Road / Prior Station Road, where officers took Ganues into custody without incident.
It was learned that the Chevrolet S-10 being driven by Mr. Ganues was stolen.
Ganues was charged with: Possession of Methamphetamine (F), Tampering with Evidence (F), Possession of Tools for the Commission of a Crime (F), Possession of a Firearm / Knife during the Commission of a Crime (F), Theft by Taking (F), Aggravated Assault (F), Obstruction of Law Enforcement (M), and numerous traffic charges.