It’s been awhile since I’ve had a chance to write a commentary, but with it being Thanksgiving I was asked to write my yearly “thankful” article.

At first I was going to decline because of the year that I have had.  A lot of folks may not realize, but I haven’t written since last December when my father passed away.  It has been a year of “first” and in the process it’s been really difficult to come up with words to say about sports.

But, when I woke up this morning and looked over and saw my wife and daughter I realized that while something (or someone) is missing this year I have so much more to be thankful for.

So here goes nothing.

I am thankful for my wife, Cassie.  She is the most forgiving person that anyone can ask for.  She has stood by me though so much this past year I couldn’t possibly ask for a better friend.

My daughter Georgia.  When I am down she looks at me with her big ol eyes and burst out “you are my sunshine, my only sunshine” and all of a sudden she makes me happy… when skyies are grey.

My oldest Madison. I am thankful she has a good head on her shoulders and will soon go off to college and become a woman of her own. I am thankful she has found her passion in horses and seems to have a goal in life that should take her very far.

My role as an educator.  Most people hate going to work.  For myself, I am so very blessed to work with some of the most awesome individuals a guy can ask for.  I am thankful everyday I can use my influences to help mold young minds in hopes that I encourage and lift a soul that may need to hear just what I say on any given day.

I am thankful for the first time ever I was called “coach” this year.  This year I became head softball coach of the Cedartown Middle School softball program.  While ups and downs were in the road, I got the opportunity to lead an awesome group of 17 future superstars. In a few years I can’t wait to say I am thankful for watching them play in college.

I am thankful for peach and cherry Coke, and random gummy candy. Without you guys I couldn’t make the long nights of working multiple jobs.

I am thankful for the ability to get to watch my Georgia Bulldogs play at Sanford Stadium every game for the past 18 years.  Also, for the chance to get to attend last year’s Rose Bowl and greatest college football game in history.

For my health. The older I get the harder it is sometimes.  I see friends my age go to the doctor all the time with diagnosis that change their life. Who knows what tomorrow holds, but I give God all the thanks for good health for not only myself, but my families.

For my friends, thank you for sharing the ups and downs. I am so thankful for the road trips and each others listening ear.  My readers, thanks for giving me a few minutes of your day.  The advertisers, so thankful for you all.  Without yall I would not have the opportunity to tell my story.

For the memories with my dad.   There was and is not a better man that I have ever met or will meet.  Everyone that he crossed paths with over his 66 years on this Earth had nothing but good things to say about him.  He touched so many lives and was always willing to give a helping hand.  He was a peace keeper. A freind. Role model.  My daddy. The greatest man I have ever known.

Finally, speaking of family, I am so very thankful for another year with my mother.  Lots of ups and downs this year with her health, but she is with us this Thanksgiving.  Words can’t express how blessed I am just to be able to give her a hug and an “I love you” today.  I am thankful to have my “number 1 fan” at the table today.

For those that are having issues with their parents, let it go today.  Give in.  Give a hug. Give an I love you.  Be thankful for the chance.

I hope you and your family have a wonderful day with lots of blessings.

Happy Thanksgiving.
