Floyd County Schools are proud to announce their outstanding performance in the latest College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) scores, which includes five components: Content Mastery, Progress, Closing Gaps (not comparable), Readiness and – for high schools – Graduation Rate.
The district continues to surpass state averages in student achievement, particularly in Content Mastery and Readiness.
Our middle and high schools have also shown significant gains in the Progress area, reflecting the dedication and hard work of our students, teachers, and staff. Notably, the district’s graduation rate has reached an impressive 95.5%, which is 9.8 points higher than the state average.
“These results are a testament to the dedication of our educators and the hard work of our students,” stated Assistant Superintendent and Chief Academic Officer John Parker. “We are incredibly proud of everyone involved. As a school system and a community, we are committed to delivering a high-quality education that equips our students for college and career success. These achievements further underscore our unwavering focus on student achievement and success.”
For Content Mastery, which focuses on overall student achievement, our elementary schools scored 77.5 (9.7 points above the state), our middle schools scored 72.9 (8.9 points above the state), and our high schools scored 77.3 (9.1 points above the state).
In Readiness, which includes literacy scores, our elementary schools scored 88.2 (5 points above the state), our middle schools scored 86.5 (3.7 points above the state), and our high schools scored 81.2 (7.9 points above the state). This is yet another proud achievement for our school system. We remain steadfast in our commitment to making literacy a central focus for all our students, ensuring their success.
“This year’s College and Career Ready Performance Index scores paint a clear picture of academic improvement across grade levels in Georgia’s public schools,” State School Superintendent Richard Woods said. “While we have seen scores increase on state and national assessments, the CCRPI also encompasses other indicators – from schools’ success at improving the performance of all students to the opportunities offered beyond core subject areas. These scores show advancements across the curriculum, and where there are areas for improvement, the data allow us to make a focused effort toward growth.”
Floyd County Schools remain committed to continuous improvement and excellence in education, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed.
GaDOE’s release: Click Here
About the CCRPI
Under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), each U.S. state is required to have a statewide accountability system that complies with federal requirements, providing information on how well schools are performing. The CCRPI meets that requirement in Georgia and satisfies requirements for school accountability in state law.
The CCRPI no longer includes an overall, 0-100 score for schools, districts, or the state. Each CCRPI component still has a 0-100 score. This change was made to increase transparency and provide a more complete picture of school performance, ensuring that challenges and opportunities are not hidden behind a single score.
Legislation passed in 2024 requires the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) to calculate a single score for schools and districts, and for GaDOE and local school districts to publish these scores online. GaDOE will publish GOSA single scores as soon as they are available.