Floyd County Board of Educator member Chip Hood announced on Thursday that he will resign from the BOE and focus his efforts to run for a seat on the Floyd County Commission.

Hood is seeking election for the seat that belonged to Larry Maxey before his untimely death last month.

Hood said in a releated statement,

“I was thinking about when you are on road trips and you see people stop and take a picture of a state sign or national park sign. I’ve seen this many times and I decided today to stop and take a picture with our sign. I’m proud to to be born and raised here in Floyd County. Except for a few years away at college I’ve spent my whole life here. Today I am officially declaring my candidacy to run for Floyd County Commission Post 4. Larry Maxey was a very good friend and neighbor of mine. We talked many times about his succession plan when he was no longer going to run. Both of us being business owners we thought a lot alike. When you’re a small business owner at some points you lay awake at night and think “how can I make payroll or this big payment I have” having those thoughts makes you think differently about financial items. It makes you be a conservative with business decisions. Larry Maxey was one of a kind and those are big shoes to fill. I don’t know that I will ever be able to fill them, but I will do my best if elected to make him proud. I was taught early in life by my parents a strong work ethic and to serve others. I started serving others and working as well by delivering newspapers on a bicycle and cutting grass. After graduating college I was able to put that knowledge of serving others into a business, ForEvergreen which we have proudly operated in Rome since 1998. My parents also taught us to volunteer and serve others. I have had the pleasure to be on the Boys and Girls Club board, Northwest Ga Sexual Assault board, I had the pleasure of being on the board of directors of the chamber of commerce and leading 2 leadership Rome classes, I was the Chair and served for 8 years on the Sara Hightower Library board, I was the Chair and served on the Floyd County Airport Commission for 8 years. I was elected to my current role as a Floyd County Schools, Board of Education member in the fall of 2014. I have loved my role and served with a great board and staff. We have accomplished so many amazing things. Most of all we have been able to prepare students for life! I feel it’s the right time to leave the school board in great hands. I feel this is another way I can give back to our community and make Floyd County a better place. Qualification will begin for this in late January and I will resign my position on the school board upon qualifying for the County Commission seat. My last official meeting for the school board will be our regular meeting in January. Beth Cordell Hood and I feel this is the right decision and we hope to have your support for the election on March 18th. “