The Rome Alcohol Control Commission met recently to discuss several issues including pouring license for a new restaurant and the spot of a long time night club downtown.

Chophouse on Broad, 239 Broad Street
The application of Ms. Leigh Hellier, owner and manager of the Chophouse on Broad,
239 Broad Street, was presented. Ms. Hellier requested that a new beer, wine, and liquor
pouring license be issued to her at that location. Ms. Hellier was present along with her
husband, Charles Hellier.
The Helliers explained that this will be their first venture into the restaurant and alcohol
service industry. However, they feel there is a segment in Rome’s dining options that is
not being fulfilled and they would like to open a fine dining restaurant at 239 Broad
Street. There have been pouring licenses issued previously at this location, with
“Melinda’s” being the most recent.
The Helliers stated that they moved to Rome due to their son’s attendance at Darlington
and are making Rome their home and wish to open a restaurant. They explained that they
planned to have approximately 14 tables at this location, along with 8-10 seats at their bar
and are planning for a September 2024 opening. They admit that they have much to learn
about the restaurant industry but want to abide by all rules and regulations for the City of
Rome and the State of Georgia. The ACC suggested that the Helliers meet with the City
Clerks office to discuss online training options for their staff, as well as reviewing the
requirements of the local alcohol ordinance and the State of Georgia procedures.
Ms. McMichael moved to approve the beer, wine, and liquor pouring license request at
the Chophouse on Broad as submitted. Mr. Morgan seconded, and the vote was
unanimously in favor.
Secretary Smith explained that this license could be issued after approvals are given by
the appropriate City officials.

Peachy Pub, 325 Broad Street
The application of Mr. Guljar Singh, manager of Peachy Pub, 325 Broad Street, was
presented. Mr. Singh requested a new beer, wine, and liquor pouring license be issued to
him at that location. Mr. Singh and his business partner were present at tonight’s meeting.
There was a lengthy discussion by the ACC and these gentlemen regarding their
operational plans for 325 Broad Street. Secretary Smith explained that this site was most
recently the location of Peaches. Smith further stated there have been many pouring
establishments that have operated at this location over the past 25 years. In almost every
case, these operators struggled (and typically failed) to meet Rome’s food/drink ratio
requirement when distilled spirits were poured. Singh stated this will be his first venture
into alcohol pouring. He further stated that he plans to also offer entertainment at this
establishment but will not have coin operated amusement machines (COAMs). There was
considerable discussion regarding the plans for food service at this location. Mr. Singh
stated that while significant improvements are being made to the facility with flooring
work and complete bathroom renovation, there are no plans to expand the size of the
kitchen. They described their anticipated menu as fast food including burgers and chicken
sandwiches. Mr. Singh was told that if a license is granted, he will need to meet with
Rome Police management to determine a security plan for this establishment including
the number and type of security that will be needed. Mr. Singh was not able to provide
information regarding the type of training program that he plans to use for his employees.

Mr. Singh stated that he plans to allow smoking in this establishment and offer hookah
(flavored tobacco) along with allowing cigarettes and cigars. Both the ACC members and
Mr. Singh are under the impression that an establishment can allow smoking, however if
so, only persons 21 and older are allowed. Mr. Singh confirmed that his plans are to
allow only those 21 and older in his establishment, but to allow smoking only on a
temporary nighttime basis. While the ACC members and the City Attorney are not fully
versed on the State of Georgia smoking requirements, it is the understanding that, if this
type of arrangement is used, a separate ventilation system would be required in the
smoking area with direct exhaust to the outside. Singh indicated that he may forgo the
smoking option if all requirements could not be met.
The ACC members suggested that Mr. Singh may want to initially open his establishment
with only beer and wine to determine if he will be able to meet Rome’s food/drink ratio.
Discussion continued and Ms. McMichael made a motion to table this request at this
time, encouraged Mr. Singh to give more thought regarding the particular aspects of his
business operation and return at the July Alcohol Control Commission meeting for
further consideration. Mr. Phipps seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimously in