Personal loans are for those expenses that roll into your day without any warning. It might be the cost of a car engine that quits on the freeway, or travel expenses for a sudden but necessary trip.
You can be a pretty good money manager and still experience the occasional event that throws you off your plans. The washing machine that was going to last 20 years? Sometimes it gives up as soon as it’s out of warranty. And sometimes life presents opportunities that are too good to pass up—too good even if they aren’t in your budget right this minute.
Personal loans are, well, personal.
Here are some expenses you might cover with a personal loan:
- Adoption services and incidentals
- Infertility treatments
- Jewelry
- Musical instruments
- Elective surgery
- Elective plastic surgery
- Orthodontia
- Tattoo removal
- Remodeling projects
- Funerals
- Large household purchases or services
- Weddings…or divorces
- Tax bills
A personal loan is sometimes called a “signature loan,” because your signature—along with a good credit history—is about all you need to qualify, along with proof of income. You don’t have to have any collateral or security for this kind of loan. Usually, a personal loan is a better alternative to using a credit card to pay for these expenses because the rate is usually much lower.
Talk to a Coosa Valley Credit Union lender about our personal loan options. We might even be able to discuss other alternatives, like a secured loan, if you qualify.