Sometime between December 1 and December 4, 2017 a Christmas Reindeer was stolen from the 500 block of Broad Street. After posting the information on the Rome Police Department Facebook page the Rome Police Department received an anonymous letter from the person(s) responsible for the theft apologizing for the act. The person(s) enclosed with the letter $340 cash in effort to pay for the reindeer. Efforts are being made to identify the person(s) responsible for the theft and subsequent attempt to pay for the reindeer.
The stolen reindeer was located on December 27, 2017 on Fouche Gap Road by Floyd County Public Works. The reindeer had slight damage and was returned to Downtown Development. The original value of the reindeer is $586.00. The $340.00 was placed into evidence at the Rome Police Department.
Anyone with information about the theft of the reindeer please contact the Rome Police Department.