Shorter University is pleased to announce the hiring of Tony Lundy, a veteran educator and coach, as the university’s Director of Athletics. Mr. Lundy will begin his duties on Jan. 1, 2018.
“We are excited to welcome Tony Lundy as head of our athletic program,” said Shorter University President Dr. Don Dowless. “He has deep ties to Shorter, having served as a member of the football coaching staff under legendary head coach Phil Jones. His wife, Missy, is an alumna of Shorter, and their daughter, Anna, is in her sophomore year at the university. He also has a deep love for Jesus Christ, and we look forward to the leadership he will provide for our athletic program.”
Mr. Lundy has 25 years of coaching experience in football and, for 12 of those years, also served as a coach for tennis. He was part of the inaugural coaching staff for Shorter Hawks football, a position he held from January 2005 to June 2010. He left Shorter to return to teaching and coaching at his alma mater Cedartown High School when his daughter began school there. Since 2010, he has served as a teacher and coach at Cedartown High.
“The best years of my life professionally have been at Shorter,” Mr. Lundy said. “I left because I wanted to have the opportunity to work at the same school where my daughter was a student. Whoever could have imagined that I would have this opportunity to return to a place that means so much to our family. I’ve been part of Shorter since the 1980s when I met my wife, who was a student there at the time. It’s so good to be at a school where the primary focus is on honoring Jesus Christ.
“I appreciate Dr. Dowless giving me the opportunity to serve Shorter in this new role. I’m excited about working with all the coaches as we develop young people who perform well on the field of competition but who do so in a way that honors Christ,” he said. “I also am grateful to Polk School District and Superintendent Laurie Atkins for the experience of serving at CHS.”
Mr. Lundy earned his undergraduate degree in Business Management from Jacksonville State University with a minor in Communications. He also earned a Master of Business Administration from Jacksonville State. He and his wife, Missy, have been married for 29 years; she teaches fourth grade at Westside Elementary in Cedartown. Their daughter, Anna, is majoring in English and minoring in dance at Shorter. The Lundys are active members of Second Baptist Church in Cedartown.