The Floyd County Police Department has charged a Lindale couple with swindling families out of thousands of dollars. The couple operated a business off of Cedartown Highway and received down payments with promise of building barns but never put hammer to nail.

Jackie and Patricia Porter, of 207 Alexander Avenue were arrested on October 14, 2017 for the initial four victims that were identified by Investigator Amy Nails. On Friday, October 19, 2017 Nails added charges related to seven additional victims that were discovered after sifting stacks of business and bank records.

Jackie Porter, 66, has been charged with exploitation of elder persons and theft by conversion of funds for real property improvements. Patricia Porter, 66, is charged with the same offenses because she was part of the scheme in their operation of Porterbuilt LLC.

The Porters, who are being held at the Floyd County Jail, have similar warrants pending from Cherokee County, Alabama. Police there allege the same type criminal offense.

Police have identified at least 11 victims, but believe there are other people who have been defrauded in the 3 years the Porters operated in south Floyd County – US 27 at the county line, across from Doyle Road. Prior to moving here they were living and operating out of Bremen, Georgia.

Investigator Nails also has charges against the Porter’s son, Payton also alleging theft by conversion. If you have information of his whereabouts or you were a victim of the Porter’s please contact 911 or Investigator Amy Nails,

at (706) 314-0758.