The Floyd County Board of Education voted 3-2 on Friday to terminate the contract of School Superintendent Dr. Jeff McDaniel. The motion was moved made by Chip Hood, and seconded by Tony Daniel. The decisive vote was cast by Jay Shell. The two `no` votes were cast by the longest standing board members George Bevels and David Cox. McDaniel has been the head of the school system since November 2012, with this tenure being an eventful one. The year after taking office McDaniel implemented a large Reduction in Force which saw 120 county school employees being let go. Earlier this year the system launched an investigation into illegal activities over close to one million dollars.
McDaniel will remain in the position until the end of September while the Board of Education looks for a replacement.
His career with Floyd County Schools started in 2003 when he served as Chief of Academics.
Before coming to Floyd County he worked as both an educator and administrator with the Polk School District
When asked why they voted yes, Hood and Daniel both responded with similar notions, stating a disconnect between the goals of his constituents and the goals of the superintendent. This despite his great financial strides in the system, he was not able to capture the `direction that the family that make up his stakeholders wanted him to go`.
George Bevels said that he voted `no` because `the cost of a buy out is to great`, adding that this is a very inopportune time, the beginning of a school year, to be switching out superintendents.
Board members said that the first step is to appoint an interim. A list of possible interim superintendents will come down from the GSBA, or the Georgia School Board Association. These possible interim superintendents will be reviewed then interviewed. The final elect could be from in state or without, Daniels says.