Rome Middle School has been recognized by the Georgia Department of Education as a Math Leader school earning the High School Outstanding Achievement Award.
“Rome Middle School has been named an inaugural Math Leader School by the Georgia Department of Education. Our Enhanced Algebra & Connections, ninth-grade algebra, scores met the criteria for us being recognized,” Rome Middle School Academic Coach Jennifer Vaughn said. “This is due to the steadfast determination, high expectations, and tireless efforts of Cindy Ray. I’m so very proud to have spent almost two decades working with Cindy. She is a change maker in the educational trajectory many of our students will take in secondary and postsecondary settings.”
Rome Middle School received the award because 98 percent or more of students in algebra scored proficient or above in mathematics.
“Cindy Ray is a veteran teacher at Rome Middle School. She is a dedicated educator that goes above and beyond to ensure all of her students are academically successful,” Rome Middle School Principal Christian Barnes said. “We are very proud of her hard work and all of her students’ hard work.”
Schools were recognized for achievement or growth in the percentage of students scoring at the Proficient Learner level or above in mathematics. The criteria for the 2023-2024 Math Leader Awards recognize the crucial importance of numeracy skills in fifth and eighth grades, and require higher growth from schools with lower achievement levels.
Awards were given at the elementary and middle-school levels, and at the high-school level based on the Algebra: Concepts and Connections EOC, which is the state test for mathematics in high school.
A total of 624 schools met the qualifications to be recognized as Math Leaders.
“Congratulations to our first-ever Math Leader schools!” State School Superintendent Richard Woods said. “The skill of numeracy is an essential one, both as students progress through their K-12 education and in their futures. These schools and their educators, students, families, and communities have worked hard to implement the new K-12 Mathematics Standards and prepare all students for life. I commend them on their outstanding work.”
Math Leader qualifications are based on students achieving the Proficient Learner level or above on the Georgia Milestones mathematics assessments.
Georgia’s new K-12 Mathematics Standards were adopted in 2021 and first implemented in classrooms during the 2023-24 school year. Drafted by Georgia math teachers with input from educational leaders, parents, students, and business and industry leaders, the new standards are designed to be clear, understandable, and age- and developmentally appropriate. They aim to present a reasonable amount of content each year – so students can truly master concepts, rather than simply being quickly exposed to them.