The Rome City Commission met recently and discussed several issues including rezoning property, property taxes and listened to the possibility of allowing Floyd County Schools to absorb Rome City Schools and the Floyd County Police Department to take over the Rome City Police Department.
Minutes – June 17, 2024
The Minutes of the June 17, 2024, meeting, as submitted in writing by the Secretary, were approved by
unanimous consent.
Rezonings, Special Use Permit, and Annexation – First Reading
Commissioner Quick announced that the following rezonings, special use permit request and annexation
request were being placed on first reading:
a) Z24-07-01 – Request to rezone from Community Commercial to Suburban Residential for the
property at 3 Westlyn Drive, Rome, GA 30165; Floyd County Tax Parcel H13X317. (Planning
Commission recommends approval 7-0). (Enclosure)
b) Z24-07-02 – Request to rezone from Community Commercial to Suburban Residential for the
property at 7 Westlyn Drive, Rome, GA 30165; Floyd County Tax Parcel H13X319. (Planning
Commission recommends approval 7-0).
c) SUP24-07-03 – Request for a Special Use Permit for a duplex in a High Density Traditional
Residential zoning district for the property at 312 East 15th Street, Rome, GA 30161; Floyd
County Tax Parcel J14N213. (Planning Commission recommends approval 7-0).
d) A24-07-05 – Request to annex the property at 122 Morgan Drive, NW, Rome, GA 30165 zoned
Suburban Residential with no change in use or zoning; Floyd County Tax Parcel H12Z363.
(Planning Commission recommends approval 7- 0).
e) Z24-07-07 – Request to rezone from Neighborhood Office Commercial to Duplex Residential
for the property at 209 Redmond Road, Rome, GA 30165; Floyd County Tax Parcel I13W086.
(Planning Commission recommends approval 6-1).
A public hearing on these five (5) items is scheduled for the July 22, 2024, City Commission meeting.
Tax Increase Public Hearing
Mayor McDaniel announced that a series of public hearings will be held due to the proposed 2024 tax
increase. Public hearing #1 is scheduled for tonight’s meeting.
City Manager Rich reviewed the recommendation from the Finance Committee regarding the 2024 City
of Rome millage rate which calls for the City rate to be reduced by .2 mills. Both the City M/O and City
Capital will be reduced by .05 mills and the City School M/O will be reduced by .10 mills.
Mayor McDaniel called a public hearing to order. Speaking regarding the 2024 millage rate proposal
was Mr. Ken Wright, Silver Creek, GA. Mr. Wright read the following document:
“Good evening,
I come before you respectfully requesting you as City Commissioners, to make some difficult decisions.
When reviewing the millage rate for the City, I know that you are in an extremely difficult predicament,
based upon the financially irresponsible and ignorant decisions of 5 City Commissioners to intentionally
force citizens and you as local government to fund an exorbitantly, overpriced middle school (most
expensive in the state) which was not even needed. In the same way that two of these Commissioners
were voted out, I suspect the remaining three will be voted out at their next election. It is sad that a
handful of Democrat Commissioners created such a huge tax burden on the entire population of this
I also recognize that the City and taxpayers will be responsible when the Rome Board of Education
can’t pay the $150 million in bond debt, including $50 million in interest. I realize there is also an
intergovernmental agreement that states the City of Rome can raise property taxes to an unlimited
amount for up to 50 years – to pay this bond debt if needed.
Now is the time to dissolve Rome City Schools and allow Floyd County Schools to absorb these schools.
This is going to happen anyways, as there are only approximately 20 city school systems left in a state
with 159 counties. And I don’t believe any of these separate city school systems only manage ONE
middle school and only one high school! This will eliminate duplicate salaries of central office
personnel, superintendents, IT depts., HR depts., building, buses and a host of other duplicate expenses.
Let’s also move forward with Floyd County Police absorbing the Rome City Police. The same duplicate
roles, departments and expenses can be combined into one more cost – efficient and effective entity. It is
sad that law enforcement in this community worked for almost 25 years to combine resources and
establish a joint law enforcement center via a SPLOST. Obviously, that was a waste of
SPLOST/taxpayer money.
The most obvious decision to spread the tax base is to forbid the approval of ANY more TADs. You
know, TADs that are supposed to be intended to restore blighted and impoverished communities to
create jobs. Yet we give TADs to out of town developers for housing projects on the most desired
property along the river in our downtown area. Historically, we have some billion dollar entities like
Floyd Hospital and Berry College that have never paid their fair share of taxes. Out of a sense of guilt
or responsibility, you would think both of these entities would write a million dollar check to our local
government – simply to pay their fair share. I doubt that will happen.
I also know there is a proposed referendum to shift tax burden to sales tax rather than property tax. That
is just a band-aid which only shifts the taxes but won’t reduce overall tax burden. To effectively lower
residents property taxes to 2017 levels, you need to lower the millage rate to 7 mills – because of the
overly inflated assessments. At age 62, all citizens should, at a minimum, be eliminated from paying
school taxes. That will be more feasible with only one school system in this County. Businesses and
citizens have realized dramatically increased assessments, because neighbors have either built or
purchased inflated homes and properties. That is like raising my car insurance because the guy at the
end of the road buys a Ferrari or Rolls Royce. Where is the logic?
I know the Republican Commissioner have inherited a bad situation. I know these decisions are difficult
and won’t be very popular to some. But they need to move forward and be implemented.”
Secretary Smith announced that Public Hearing #2 will be held during a scheduled special called City
Commission meeting on Thursday, July 18th at 10:00 a.m. The third tax increase Public Hearing, along
with the Public Hearing for the actual adoption of the 2024 Millage Rate, will take place at the July 22nd
City Commission Meeting.
Etowah River/Dixon Landing Boat Ramp Agreement
City Manager Rich announced that the original 25 year agreement with the State of Georgia regarding
the operation of the Dixon Landing Boat Ramp, located on the Etowah River, has expired. There is a
new agreement before the Commission tonight to extend that arrangement for an additional 25 year
Commissioner Doss moved to adopt the new Georgia Department of Revenue boat ramp.