Last Saturday, a forty-six-year-old man was arrested after an incident in Gore.  According to a report from the sheriff’s office, a deputy received a complaint about a suspicious person standing by some mailboxes on Gore-Subligna Road. 

When the deputy arrived at the scene, the man was still standing by the mailboxes and the deputy asked him what he was doing.  The man became irate and started yelling, saying he was just going to the store across the road.  The deputy told the man to move along and then went and parked his patrol car at the Hi-Tech Fuel station nearby.  The deputy observed the man cross Highway 27 and walk up to his vehicle “yelling and irate”.  The man said that the deputy was harassing him, at which point the deputy told him to go on before he got arrested.  The man walked away yelling and walked into the store.

When he exited the store, he approached the deputy’s vehicle, again yelling that he was being harassed.  At that point the deputy got out of his vehicle and approached the man and could smell alcohol.  The man continued to yell about being harassed and the deputy placed him under arrest.

James Adam Deberry was charged with public drunkenness, disorderly conduct and obstruction of officers.

From AM 118