22 of Floyd County Schools’ (FCS) students were selected as district finalists and will advance in the Governor’s Honors Program (GHP) selection process.
GHP is a four-week summer instructional program designed to provide intellectually gifted and artistically talented high school students with challenging and enriching educational opportunities not usually available during the regular school year. The 22 sophomores and juniors selected will complete the state level online application for the opportunity to be selected as a semifinalist and represent FCS in the in-person GHP interviews to be held in late February.
GHP will take place on the campus of Georgia Southern University this summer. Rising juniors and seniors in Georgia public and private high schools are eligible to be nominated by their teachers to participate in the program. The program is fully funded by the Georgia General Assembly, so there is no charge for students to attend. For four weeks, students spend the morning in their major area of nomination, exploring topics not usually found in the regular high school classroom.
During the afternoons, students choose one of the other areas in which to study. The curriculum in all areas is challenging and engaging. Evenings are filled with seminars, activities, concerts, and performances.
Each applicant must go through a very extensive selection process to be invited to participate in the program. Transcripts of grades and records, nomination forms, endorsements, and other pertinent information are submitted to substantiate the nominations and the students must interview with a local screening committee.
Major instructional areas are agricultural research, biotechnology and science, communicative arts, computer science, dance, engineering, mathematics, music, science, social studies, theatre performance, visual arts, and world languages. Students also select a minor area outside their major area of study. These include all the major instructional areas as well as additional offerings that reflect the interests and abilities of the instructional staff.
Congratulations to the following 22 District finalists for GHP. They will represent FCS in the next level of competition.
Sara Grace Abernathy, MHS junior, Dance
Ryder Ashmore, PHS sophomore, Theatre Performance
Emi Kate Ashworth, MHS junior, Music-Voice
Silas Bryson, MHS junior, Computer Science
Emmalyn Hann, PHS sophomore, Dance
Aidan Fuller, MHS junior, World Language: Spanish
Sadie Haynes, MHS junior, Communicative Arts
Carson Holder, MHS junior, Computer Science
Andrea Jaramillo, MHS junior, Social Studies
Xander Jessie, MHS junior, Social Studies
Shatha Khatib Jabra, MHS junior, Engineering: Mechanical Design
Natalie Long, MHS junior, Communicative Arts
Elan McClain, AHS junior, Mathematics
Thomas Patterson, MHS junior, Ag Research: Biotechnology and Science
Eva Grace Petty, MHS sophomore, Visual Arts
Brynn Proctor, MHS sophomore, Science: Biology
Tesa Roberson, MHS junior, World Language: Spanish
Samuel Sandoval-Reyes, PHS junior, Music: Woodwinds
Hannah Smith, PHS sophomore, Science: Biology
Luke Still, MHS junior, Theatre Performance
Isaac Tucker, AHS junior, Social Studies
Gracie Veliz, PHS junior, World Language: Spanish