The Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) recently announced that eligible Georgians can now earn their high school equivalency diploma for free.
Last year, the Georgia General Assembly passed, and Gov. Brian P. Kemp signed into law, a bill establishing the HOPE High School Equivalency (HSE) Examination Grant Program. Eligible Georgians will receive an award of up to $200 to cover exam fees for the GED® exam.
“We are grateful to have this additional funding opportunity to offer our students,” said Dr. Heidi Popham, GNTC president. “The HOPE HSE Grant will assist GNTC in removing a barrier that could possibly be the only thing standing in the way of a student accomplishing his or her goal of earning a high school credential.”
There are just over 1 million adults ages 18 and older in Georgia without a high school diploma or equivalency. For some test-takers, this grant will remove the last barrier they face before earning their HSE diploma. The HOPE HSE Examination Grant is fully funded by the Georgia Lottery for Education and is available for the GED® exam.
“Make this the year that you complete your goal of finishing high school and obtaining the High School Equivalency,” said Lisa Shaw, vice president of Adult Education at GNTC. “Thanks to the HOPE HSE grant, those who qualify can take the exams for free.”
For an individual to be eligible to receive a HOPE HSE Examination Grant, they must meet general HOPE requirements and TCSG’s HSE test readiness standards. Georgians can apply once per subject area exam.
Adult Education providers across the state also offer free classes with flexible schedules to help Georgians prepare for their HSE test. Grant funds are subject to annual state appropriation and availability of funds.
To learn more, visit
Georgia Northwestern Technical College provides quality workforce education to the citizens of northwest Georgia. Students have the opportunity to earn an associate degree, diploma or a certificate in aviation, business, health, industrial or public service career paths. This past year, 11,134 people benefited from GNTC’s credit and noncredit programs. GNTC has an annual credit enrollment of 8,528 students and an additional enrollment of 2,606 people through adult education, continuing education, business and industry training and Georgia Quick Start. For more information about GNTC, visit us at GNTC is a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia and an Equal Opportunity Institution.