The Rome City Schools Board of Education met on September 13, 2022, under the leadership of the system’s first African American Superintendent, Dr. Eric L. Holland.

Board member Mr. Will Byington was not able to attend the meeting due to a prior engagement.

Dr. Holland presented the Board with an attendance report. New personnel were also approved by the Board. In addition to these items, an ELOST report and a second reading of Board Policy JCAB that details interviews and searches of students were presented along with a safety update of the schools and the new Evolv weapons detection system. The second reading of policy JCAB was approved by the Board.

For new business, Director of CTAE (Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education) Misty Tucker presented the Board with information regarding a grant the Rome City Schools College and Career Academy was recently awarded that will help with the programs offered to students. The Board voted to approve the grant.

Additionally, Dr. Holland held a first reading of Board policy BCBI which outlines the process for public comments. With new less restrictive policies, such as time allotted for public comments, the Board hopes to encourage community feedback. The Board also voted on a local board training plan for 2022-2023 and the appointment of the 2022-2023 legislative liaison for the Georgia School Board Association. The first reading of policy BCBI was approved.

The new legislative liaison for GSBA for Rome City Schools is Alvin Jackson after being approved by the board.

The Board took some time to address meeting attendees and explain what they gathered from an Urban Board Alliance Conference hosted by COSSBA (Consortium of State School Boards Associations). Some of their takeaways from the conference were support of teachers, a willingness to try new practices and a focus on networking with other administrators to improve education in Rome City Schools.