Nicholas Ricardo Gonzales, 24 of Lindale, was arrested this week after reports said he repeatedly beat his wife in the head and also used a hammer to destroy her car.

The string of violence began back on October 20, 2020 when he caused unspecified damages to another’s property that totaled over$500 at the Economy Inn on Martha Berry Blvd. He also placed the unidentified victim in fear of receiving injury.

Then on November 11th, he allegedly hit his wife in the back of the head with his fist at the same location above. The victim suffered substantial injuries, which included bruising and bleeding.  That same incident also saw Gonzales use a hammer to beat her car window.

The next incident, which also involved his wife, occurred on February 19 of this year.  Gonzales is accused of hitting her with a shovel on the hand and head.  The victim suffered a cut to her head and a large amount of swelling to her hand.   That incident occurred at a location on Woods Road.

Gonzales is charged with two count of battery, simple assault, 2nd degree criminal damage to property, criminal trespass, failure to appear, and two counts probation violation.