Both Cave Spring Elementary School Principal Kyle Abernathy and his wife April have battled the dreaded COVID-19 virus. If you have followed our report you know that things didn’t seem positive for Mrs. Abernathy before being sent to Emory in Atlanta on life support.

However, an update on Sunday seems bright after she was removed from life support and is fully responsive.

According to family,

“April is doing great this morning. The nurse is able to understand her a little better. One of the first questions she asked was if her test was positive …😂😂. We still won’t be able to talk to her right now, which is what we all are anxious to do! The nurse said physical therapy will be doing a “swallow test” (probably tomorrow), and they will be able to tell if she’s ready to eat or not. She is currently still on a feeding tube. Temperature is still normal and vitals and labs still look good.


Cave Spring Elementary School Principal Kyle Abernathy has been released from the hospital after testing positive for COVID-19 and in the process issuing a statement regarding his wife’s (April) condition.

Kyle said, ” April is still holding her own with oxygen at 50%. She does have an elevated temp that they are keeping under control. The nurse also mentioned that she was grunting and grimacing a little!!! They are working on slowly very slowly turning medications down to see how she responds.

The nurse was amazing. She asked what April’s favorite song was. She told us to keep the prayers coming bc THEY ARE WORKING”.

UPDATE: March 20 2020

April is nodding her head to the nurse to answer questions!!! She is still minimally sedated and on ventilator but at a minimal level. It is possible she could be off the ventilator in the next day or two. It’s still very slow. They remind us of this every time they talk to us. The head nodding is a new development! Her labs and vitals all continue to look good, with the exception of that annoying fever. She is also still on diuretics, but they are doing their job. We hope that Kyle is able to hear from the dr later today.


Spring Elementary School Principal Dr. Kyle Abernathy went on Facebook to give an update on his and his wife’s, April condition. Since the below post, April has been told that she has been transported to Emory Hospital in Atlanta.

According to family, since being transported to Emory April’s lung function has seen much improvement.

Kyle released the following statement early Sunday morning. “I got to sit with my bride from 1-8 pm. It has taken a lot out of me, so if I am not answering a text or message, I promise I have read it. April Abernathy is en route to Emory and will receive specialized help to get through this nasty virus that WILL bow down to the name of Jesus. The nurses who have cared for us have been top notch. One even stopped to pray with me. A kindred spirit alone in the hospital has been a gift. God is speaking to His people.

I sat with April from about 1 to 3 pm. I told her I needed her to pull through and to fight hard like she and I always have! Around 3 pm the Holy Spirit prompted me to begin playing her favorite worship songs (and some of mine). Praying in the spirit, He asked me if I would worship Him. The human in me didn’t feel like it. But each time I clutched April’s hand and then raised mine, it was as if the Lord said, “I’ve got this.”

If I could take this from her, I would. But I know a man who is greater, stronger, faithful, present, and ABLE. He is healing her on earth!

I appreciate your prayers. It is overwhelming to watch an entire community, even state lift us up to the Lord. As you pray, pray for wisdom for her doctors and nurses. Appropriate treatment revealed and carried out. Pray for strength in her lungs and continued organ function. Pray for a broken fever and for antibiotics to kill any infection that resides.

I love my family, friends, work family, and all of the communities April and I have held the pleasure to serve. Your support and prayers are reaching the Throne Room. Don’t you dare think your prayers aren’t adequate. Today taught me, again, to pray even when we don’t have human words left (Romans 8:26).”


Kyle and his wife April both attend the same church, The Church at Liberty Square in Cartersville, that numerous others who gave tested positive for COVID-19.

From Kyle Abernathy, “I have tried to be quiet on social media and have enjoyed reading all of our friend’s and families’ posts for prayer. I am so encouraged and uplifted to know we have such a strong support team behind us. As of now, April and I remain hospitalized. She is critical but stable, requiring a ventilator and sedation. Her body needs strength. Please pray for this specifically. She is my bride and I miss her. I want to be able to see her when she’s better.

I am on oxygen now 24/7. I have a hard time breathing without it and get very winded moving around. I basically just lie down all day to keep from having breathing problems and coughing fits. I am on fluids and lots of meds. The nurses at Kindred are angels.

As for the “C” virus, it is confirmed that both of us have it. But as quick as it came on us, it has to leave and bow down to the name of Jesus! Speak His name over our situation. We got the virus in a crowded place, no fault of anyone’s! We never traveled. I even had a positive case of Flu A and both of us had pneumonia. To us, “C” virus wasn’t an option. We washed our hands. Trust me, I always tell my three at home to wash up!

If you think the media is sensationalizing this, go ahead. But think about the 38-40 confirmed cases in GA, including us, before you check yourself “safe.” This is an opportunity for us to pray, to lift each other up, and stay vigilant.”