Due to their innumerable contributions to the field of Athletics, the Rome-Floyd Sports Hall of Fame will welcome five new inductees at the 2019 Sports Hall of Fame Banquet and Induction Ceremony held on February 25th at Berry College’s Krannert Center. Tickets are now on sale for the event.

The Rome-Floyd Sports Hall of Fame was started in 1971 in order to recognize amateur and professional athletes as well as those who contribute to the growth and development of sports in our community.  Nominations are submitted in four categories: amateur athlete, professional athlete, meritorious service and lifetime achievement. Nominations for the Sports Hall of Fame are submitted by the general public and are received year-round.

We are proud to announce this year’s inductees:  Renny Bryner, Amateur Athlete; Sally Echols, Lifetime Achievement Dr. Gary Graves, Lifetime Achievement; Jonathan Kilgo, Amateur Athlete; and David Mathis, Meritorious Service.

Along with the inductees, fourteen area student athletes will be recognized for their achievements, with two being awarded the John Pinson Jr. Outstanding Student Athlete Scholarship.

The event includes a banquet and awards ceremony. A social and raffle of four autographed Charlie Culberson items will be held at 6 p.m., followed by a buffet dinner and awards ceremony at 6:30p.m.  Event tickets are $30 each.  Raffle tickets are $5 each or (5) for $20. Banquet and raffle tickets may be purchased in-person at Rome-Floyd Parks and Recreation Administrative Headquarters at 1 Shorter Avenue. Banquet tickets may also be purchased online at romefloydsportshalloffame.com. Banquet tickets are limited and must be purchased in advance by February 15, 2019. 

The cost of the Rome-Floyd Sports Hall of Fame program is solely supported through ticket sales and sponsorships. The event is hosted by the Sports Hall of Fame Committee and Rome-Floyd Parks and Recreation. For questions or to purchase tickets, please call 706.291.0766.