Joannie Yarbrough said she can remember her first day on the job in 1994 like it was yesterday. It was 22 years ago, she said, when she walked into Georgia Highlands College (then called Floyd College) and started working in her first position.
“My first job at GHC was in the Public Information Office (now called College Relations),” she said. “I served as secretary and proofer in that position.”
Yarbrough then moved on to various positions in GHC’s Science and Math Division, the Office of Academic Affairs and finally in the Office of the President, where she served the remainder of her time at GHC as an executive assistant.
“My fondest memory of GHC is the time I went on a college trip to tour Washington, DC, and Williamsburg, VA,” she said. “This was a nine-day trip. We traveled by bus. Our advisors were Dr. Dave Cook (Retired, Biology Professor) and Dr. Jim Cook (Retired, History Professor). This trip could be taken for credit and/or for enjoyment. I met a lot of students and for a long time stayed in touch with them.”
Yarbrough said that she has really enjoyed her time working at GHC and will miss it.
“GHC is a great place to work. I believe the college offers opportunities for its employees to succeed well beyond any expectations one may have,” she said. “I will truly miss the friends I have made over these last 22 years.”
Yarbrough stated that she is looking forward to her retirement, as it will give her more time to spend with her family and grandchildren.